Category Archives: Security

CyberCrime grows to impact internet users and reporting is ineffective

Cybercrime is the biggest threat to businesses who have on online presence. Bad actors from every country are growing in numbers and our security tools are detecting a significant attack. We have been detecting and recording hundreds of thousands of malicious internet activity for some time now, this includes Distributed Denial of Service, Denial of Service, Phishing, Web Site Attacks, Spam, Unauthorized Login attempts to IMAP, SMTP, Remote Access etc., As a result we have gain detailed knowledge by Country, Service Provider, IP Addresses and range of offending IP Addresses.

Security Warnings when browsing web site – https:\\

Safe Browsing

As we browse the internet we are seeing more security warnings that suggest that you do not continue to the desired web site, these warning typically relate to the security certificate that the site uses and the errors could indicate that the site has been hijacked or simply that the legitimate site has an error on the certificate. Sites that are secured by a security certificate start with https:\\.

Windows Defender not updating definitions on Windows Server 2008 and SBS2011

Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard Edition and Windows Server 2008 R2.

Windows Updates repeatedly fails to install "Definition Update for Windows Defender".
Manually updating definitions through Windows Defender but this fails.
Running "mpcmdrun.exe -RemoveDefinitions -All" and then "mpcmdrun.exe -SignatureUpdate" but this fails with the error "ERROR: Signature Update failed with hr=8050A005".
sfc /scannow finds no errors.