Category Archives: General

Officeworks-Simply Adjustable Laptop Cooler 12-17″

Simply Adjustable Laptop Cooler 12-17" - Promises to be a great product but fails This stand promised to be a great product but is seriously let down (as others reported) by very unreliable USB connectors. The randomly make and break because of loose fitting sockets when brand new. While the manufacturer could have hardwired the cable to the laptop and used quality USB sockets they have not. Not worth the $28.00 paid, you would be better off with a alternative laptop stand compared to this product.

Alternative Battery for PS4 Dual Shock Controller

Since we are having to spend a majority of our day in lock down during Covid-19 we needed to get all our entertainment devices up and running. Most devices where OK except for our Playstation PS4 Dual Shock Controllers where Sony in their wisdom (not) designed the controller with a non-replaceable li-ion battery. This battery (of course) no longer holds charge. While you can order aftermarket replacement batteries, we are Darwin and stock is non-existent and shipping is slow.