Category Archives: Windows 10

Windows 10 – Print to PDF

Windows 10 has a feature to allow you to print directly to a new PDF document which will allow you to distribute electronically or file electronically in your system. However, we have learnt that this feature may not have been activated on some PC's or Laptops. This article will show you how to activate the feature and use the feature from any Windows software that allows you to print.

Windows 7 – 10 Offline files fail to sync

Offline Files and Folder Redirection causes sync issues Often Windows has problems that are just difficult to diagnose and resolve and for resent Windows versions there are fewer public knowledge base articles to help. In this post we had an issue where offline files started to cause sync to fail. As it turned out the client computer (Windows 10) was trying to sync files of a User than no longer existed on the domain. Rather than consume our time on trying to diagnose and do Read More +

Visual Studio App Deploy Error: DEP0700: Registration of the app failed. [0x80073CFB]

Severity Code Description Project Path File Line Suppression State Error DEP0700: Registration of the app failed. [0x80073CFB] Another user has already installed an unpackaged version of this app. The current user cannot replace this with a packaged version. The conflicting package is 88D96A69-2E7E-4358-A75D-97B980372496 and it was published by CN=[USERNAME]. [APPNAME]

Slowly migrating away from dependance on Microsoft Products

For many decades we have been strictly Microsoft evangelist (where Microsoft had solutions that matched requirements), We became particularly excited when Microsoft announced Windows 10 mobile and Nokia designed mobile devices. Mobile we saw as a positive direction to encompass all our server and desktop efforts with mobile support. We put three years development effort into this direction and Microsoft continued to make positive statements and promised features that gave us confidence to expense time and effort. Customers started purchasing Microsoft phones. The almost overnight, suppliers did not have stock and Microsoft started to drop support for models that where under 12 months old and finally they announced that they have stopped all mobile development.

Disk Defragmentation: Do you need a third party product?

For many years now we have kept a third party disk defragment tool in our tool kit, the product was UltraDefrag. We started with version 6 in the days when Microsoft's built-in defrag did a pretty poor job and using the free version of UltraDefrag delivered a noticeable performance boost. Begin a free tool we could install it temporarily on clients computers when being serviced and recommend the product to customers. Many of our customers reported that they installed UltraDefrag and made a donation to the author.