How do I: Copy my Audio CD to my Zune Library and burn an Audio CD?

This article discusses how to rip your audio CD’s into your music library and then burn a duplicate copy of the album.


Step 1

Open Zune and select the collection tab (if not already selected.)
Click on SETTINGS at the top of the screen

Step 2

Select RIP to check the rip settings
We want the Audio CD to automatically eject once copied to your library.
check “Eject CD after ripping
Audio Format
We want to rip the audio as MP3 for best compatibility
Select “MP3
Audio Quality
Select maximum quality setting (Not shown in screen shot)

Step 3

Select “Automatically retrieve and update album art and metadata.
Select “Only add missing information
Click “OK

Step 4

We are ready to rip to our library.
Insert your Audio CD that you want to copy to your library.
After a few seconds you should see a new tab titled “DISC“.
Select the “DISC” tab.

Step 5

Ripping is in progress….
Wait for the disc to eject.

Step 6

Ready to burn Audio CD
Insert Blank CD-R CD
Right click on the album and click “Add to burn list

Step 7

Select the  “DISC” tab

Step 8

Click Settings
Click “Burn
Select “Audio CD
Select “Eject CD after burning
Click “OK

Step 9

Click “Start burn
Wait for burning to complete and disc is ejected

You have just ripped and burnt your first Audio CD which is playable in normal CD Players.
When you need to rip and burn another Audio CD you can ignore the steps that relate to settings – they are saved.
Your ripped music is also saved to your music library, so you can now store your original CD in a safe place.
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